A Cool Coolroom

We love unique challenges and when Mr D asked us for help keeping the valuable contents of his coolroom safe, we couldn’t wait to help! Mr D stores high quality meat products in his portable coolroom  for the first few weeks. Recently he had $8,000 worth of Speckled Park prime beef in there for 21 days. Given the financial and ethical value of the product, Mr D understandably wanted to ensure the product was protected against environmental fluctuations which could ruin the product in only a couple of hours.

Lighten Automation designed and deployed a customised solution for Mr D which monitors the coolroom every few seconds. Not leaving anything to chance, the solution includes 3 temperature and humidity sensors and lets him know if something doesn’t look right. Additionally we keep an eye on the sensor battery levels and present all this information on a personalised dashboard that keeps Mr D informed and in control.